Modify the Integration Parameters in MassHunter Quantitative Analysis 您所在的位置:网站首页 solvent peak slope积分 Modify the Integration Parameters in MassHunter Quantitative Analysis

Modify the Integration Parameters in MassHunter Quantitative Analysis

2023-10-14 18:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

General – Click General tab (Figure 2) and specify the integrator parameters:

Data point sampling:  Used in calculating the slope sensitivity. The default setting of 1 uses every data point, set to 2 for every second data point, set to 3 for every third, etc. Integration performance may be improved for broader peaks with many data points by adjusting this parameter. 

Smoothing: May improve results for high noise data. It may also be useful anytime the integrator shows a tendency to split chromatographic peaks. 

Detection filtering: For high noise chromatograms. Select a higher number of data points (3,5,7,9-point digital filtering) to reduce adverse integration from signal noise.

Start and Stop threshold: Determine when a peak integration starts and ends. Increasing the stop threshold is useful to increase the amount of peak tailing integrated. 

Peak location: Selects the retention time reported as the Top (Apex) or Centroid (center) of the peak.

Baseline Reset: Controls resetting the baseline between peaks. Set the number of data points required to separate two adjacent chromatographic peaks. Set the

If leading or trailing edge






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